More than 1 million USD invested in our own projects.

Proven strategies to grow your business.

We turn our investments into experience to help you increase sales and reach.

I know what works, because I've tried it in my own businesses.

Our Successes

Real results, proven experience. Key statistics:

10 years of experience in digital marketing.

Marketing audit

Over $3 million in annual sales generated.

Mini cases

ROI 600% for HOME & DECO

ROI 500% for FOOD

1000% ROI for EVENTS

ROI 600% for JEWELRY


Personal case

Our latest brand grew from 0 to $1M in annual sales in just 2 years , thanks to our customized strategies and hands-on experience in the digital marketplace.

About Aleksandr Klimin

Meet Aleksandr Klimin.

Entrepreneur and digital marketing strategist with over 10 years of experience.

I have managed over $1 million in both my own and client campaigns.

The trials and errors in my projects gave me the knowledge that I now share with you.

How We Work

A proven approach at every stage.


We identify the unique opportunities of your business.


We create a customized plan based on our practical experience.


We implement solutions that maximize impact.


We constantly adjust to achieve better results.


What our clients say and our experience.

Desde que comenzamos a trabajar con los servicios de Alex nuestra marca dio un giro comercial, alcanzando un posicionamiento digital que se traduce en un considerable aumento de ventas. Asimismo, nuestras clientas nos manifiestan que nuestros productos aparecen en sus búsquedas. Alex no solo se ocupa de la administración de la publicidad en el ecommerce, sino además actúa como analista y asesor en todas las decisiones de inversión digital que hemos realizado como marca de joyas

Oscar A.

Ready to grow? Let's talk!